Having a well-organized and easy-to-manage online store is key to increasing your visibility. In this article, we explain step by step how to create your product catalog and publish them correctly so your customers can find them quickly.
1. Access and account creation
The first step to get started is to access the platform:
- If you click on the "Create your catalog" button, you will be redirected to the login page.
- If you don’t have an account yet, you can sign up from the same page.
- You can also access the login page directly from the landing page.

2. Integration with Algolia
Once logged in, the dashboard will open, and a dialog will appear to integrate with Algolia. This step is essential to start creating products and to get your store online.
You can refer to the article "Activate Algolia and showcase your catalog instantly" to learn more about this integration.

3. Product creation
Once the integration is complete, we move on to product creation. When adding a new product in VITRi, you must define the product category. Categories group similar products, making navigation and searching within the store easier.
In this step, you also define the product variations. Variations are different versions of the same product that change in certain attributes, such as color, size, or material, allowing customers to choose the option that best suits them.
Steps to create a product and its variations:
STEP 1. Add a new product
Click on the “+ New” button to start the creation process.

STEP 2. Configure the product’s general information
Before defining its variations, complete the following basic fields:
- Category: Assign the product to the appropriate category (mandatory field).
- Name: Enter a clear and attractive name; the friendly URL will be generated automatically.
- Description: Describe the product’s features and benefits, with the option to add images and rich formatting.

STEP 3. Create product variations
In this section, you can define different versions of the product based on key attributes such as:
- Unique SKU per variation: For precise inventory control, each variation must have its own SKU code.
- Color: Add the available color options for the product.
- Price and discounts: Set a base price for the product. If a variation has a different cost (e.g., a larger size), you can assign specific prices for each one. Apply discounts if applicable.
- Individual stock: Each variation can have its own inventory level, allowing for better availability management.
- Sizes or dimensions: Specify the different sizes, measurements, or capacities available.
- Warnings: Relevant information the customer should know before purchasing (e.g., care instructions or usage limitations).
- Additional information: Extra details about the product, such as materials, origin, or technical specifications.

- Images: Upload high-quality photos that showcase the product and its different variations.
- Technical specifications: If applicable, include a table with details such as dimensions, weight, or manufacturing materials.

4. Product publication
Once the product is created, you will be automatically redirected to the product list. In this list, you will see that the newly created product has a red circle, indicating that it is not yet published in the store.
To publish it, access the product from the dropdown menu on the right (which appears when you click on the three dots “...”). From this same menu, you can also view the product in the store, edit it, or delete it.

Once you have accessed the product:
- It will appear with a red circle and the status "Unpublished."

- To publish it, click on "Unpublish", and you will see it change to "Publish". Then, update the product to save the changes.

- Next to the "Published" status, you will see an open eye icon. Clicking on it will allow you to view the product profile.

5. Store view (extra)
When you access the "Store" section, you will be able to see all the products that are published. As you add more products, you can use the available filters to make searching easier and enhance the user experience.

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